Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sad Party

I had party before sent my best friend “Matthew,” back to his country I tried to find some ingredient at night with my host homestay. We went to 777 malls or something like that. {I cann’t remember hahaha} then I tried cook first for check taste and it not so good, but “it’s ok” I thought. I want to bed late. I woke up at 5 am because I wanted to prepare ingredient to cook in afternoon. I took some trains when I arrived in Lion Park Station I waited for my friend when he come I gave ingredient to to and he told me “go too class.” I told him I have class at 9.30 ,but true was 9.00 I forgot hahaha. I took classes and went to my friend’s house. I cooked “TOM-YUM-KUNG” for my friends. When all of friend came we pray first and had dinner together. My friends to me “It’s was good.” I talked woth him from 10pm to 2 or 3 am. We was so sad before he gorn. Nextday, Bruce drove us to go to airplane and I was cried in my mind. So, This week I felt So saddddddd...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Terrible Weeks

I was sick because I sent my friend back to her house . In the first day, I was headache and had runny nose. I took a lot of medicine in one time. in one day I took 4 times . My host homestay he gave some medicine from chaina to me and told some medicines u can eat with water and some u just drip in milk [1 drip/ glass of milk] .One day I forgot take medicien and my friend asked me " Did U take mediciens " i said "Oh.. No I forgot" and he gave medicien to me T_T. So nice!!
I slept 8-10 hrs when i am sick,it make me feel good when i sleep long times.
So I was sick for 2 weeks. And now I still have runny nose because temperature is very very cold.

Thks For Read And Have a gooD day!

My Friends