Monday, October 29, 2007

Last week

On friday i went to halloween party . I wore a mask and became the Jason . That mask had blood if i squeeze heart . It was scary,but the mask made me very very hot i just took off the mask and put on the table . I saw many friends wore scary and funny costume ,it so funny I took pictures with my friends and the big pumpkin with magic cat.I liked pumpkins and i went to dance with friends and my friends taught me dance ,It so funy because I'm not good in dancing,but sometime I thought it boring for me . i was sitting on the chair , saw my friends dancing and thought something . When finished my friends asked me to go to bars ,but I very very tired I said "Sorry , I so tired I want to back to sleep because before today I slept 4 hrs ."and i came back to my house. That's my good day.


yangyang said...

haha~tew!l'm coming! you must happy right?! you blog is so cool~but the photo is......

yapy said...

Wow! It's a great blog.
Hi Tew, This is Yapy.
I'm a stufent in Kristi's class and I saw your name in Mina's blog. I knew you in Banff. Who am I?
See you later.

~.Emmanuel.~ said...

hey body...!
woW... your blog its amazing...!
mmm... naruto?...
nice choice... I like this cartoon!
hey tew... are you ready for this friday?
church, church,church, church...!!!
hey tew this is Emmanuel...!
see you tomorrow...!

Ra'ed said...

hello Tew your blog is great and your assignment is very good

Hsiao-Yen said...

cute guys,
how to find cute pictures put on Blog? I so love your pictures.
I hope looking your costume.
I think that was very awful.
then I didn't also dance like you.
this long weekend did you have a plan? how's that? I hope that's great. and me, I just stayed home doing homework. that why I come here.
see you tuesday.
oh! I have been added new message on the Blog. I welcome you come to my Blog.

Mina said...

hey,your mask was very good^^did u enjon the halloween party? I think you did^^

Marcy said...

Your blog looks great, but now you need to make more posts. Have a great weekend.

~.Emmanuel.~ said...

hey COME ON MAN...!!!
what are you doing...!!! hey you need write more and publish news comments...!!!
your blog its very great...but you need work here...!!!
anyway I'm not your teacher hahahha
hey man thanks for helpme when I don't know something... really you are a good boy... sometimes crazy and rarely but good guy... my friend...!!!
ohh and remember this friday...
!!!church, church, church, church...!!!
ohh come on Tew...!!!
see you later man...
and remember this...

My Friends