Sunday, December 2, 2007

Terrible Home work

Terrible Home Work was read a book, summery and answer question to a journal. I was read the book 5 days 2 times and finished it! I very love that book because The stories are interesting. The question from mercy was not same answer from my book. My book are defferent from my most my friends in the class. It was so diffical and make terrible to me too. I was summerized almost the stories because i didn't want to write all the book. I was so tried [alway]. because I used time like 8 Hrs for summery and did any question. I was very sleepy and tried.I felt like asleep every time when I study by myself. So, now i felt good gor this book now. Oh! the book have about 50 pages but have a lot story. it's a 50 stories. T_T

had U Work Hard Like me?

Saturday, December 1, 2007


First time to snowboarding in my life. I went to COP [ Calgary Olympic Park ] with my friends in ESL Class. they had 2 for choose 1 is snowboarding and 2 is skiing. I thought skiing is easier than snowboarding then I chose snowboarding. They gave helmet for us and showed us how to play. They tought us a little bit, but it was so good. The first time i was excited about that. When I snowboarding first time. The first minute was good ,but the secound minute snowboard was turned around and fall down. I tired again and it was fun, funny, and tired too
when i back to U of C i ran to C- Train and Ran to the bus and ran to church for activies . In there church thay and i love everyone in the church. When it was finished I helped them clear
all of thing herer. And i back to my house nad u have fub

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sad Party

I had party before sent my best friend “Matthew,” back to his country I tried to find some ingredient at night with my host homestay. We went to 777 malls or something like that. {I cann’t remember hahaha} then I tried cook first for check taste and it not so good, but “it’s ok” I thought. I want to bed late. I woke up at 5 am because I wanted to prepare ingredient to cook in afternoon. I took some trains when I arrived in Lion Park Station I waited for my friend when he come I gave ingredient to to and he told me “go too class.” I told him I have class at 9.30 ,but true was 9.00 I forgot hahaha. I took classes and went to my friend’s house. I cooked “TOM-YUM-KUNG” for my friends. When all of friend came we pray first and had dinner together. My friends to me “It’s was good.” I talked woth him from 10pm to 2 or 3 am. We was so sad before he gorn. Nextday, Bruce drove us to go to airplane and I was cried in my mind. So, This week I felt So saddddddd...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Terrible Weeks

I was sick because I sent my friend back to her house . In the first day, I was headache and had runny nose. I took a lot of medicine in one time. in one day I took 4 times . My host homestay he gave some medicine from chaina to me and told some medicines u can eat with water and some u just drip in milk [1 drip/ glass of milk] .One day I forgot take medicien and my friend asked me " Did U take mediciens " i said "Oh.. No I forgot" and he gave medicien to me T_T. So nice!!
I slept 8-10 hrs when i am sick,it make me feel good when i sleep long times.
So I was sick for 2 weeks. And now I still have runny nose because temperature is very very cold.

Thks For Read And Have a gooD day!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Last week

On friday i went to halloween party . I wore a mask and became the Jason . That mask had blood if i squeeze heart . It was scary,but the mask made me very very hot i just took off the mask and put on the table . I saw many friends wore scary and funny costume ,it so funny I took pictures with my friends and the big pumpkin with magic cat.I liked pumpkins and i went to dance with friends and my friends taught me dance ,It so funy because I'm not good in dancing,but sometime I thought it boring for me . i was sitting on the chair , saw my friends dancing and thought something . When finished my friends asked me to go to bars ,but I very very tired I said "Sorry , I so tired I want to back to sleep because before today I slept 4 hrs ."and i came back to my house. That's my good day.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The First oF Me

This is First time to make real website . I hope this website is good , I just learn by myself same every time I do something .


So make more ....

My Friends